The Journey Continues: All Creatures Great and Small
"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God." - Luke 12:6 ESV
One of the greatest joys I've experienced during my recent medical leave was being outside. Pretty much every morning during these past three months I've been doing my morning devotionals either on our bedroom's balcony, which overlooks our backyard, or sitting around the firepit table on our patio. I've spent hours there, reading, studying, and just listening.
Part of that joy has been watching the various birds that we have in our yard. Birds that love the bird bath that I fill each day with fresh water. Birds - particularly the hummingbirds - that love to flit in and out of the water in our small waterfall. And with the myriad of trees and bushes we have in the yard, and the bare hillside that offers seeds and nesting materials, the birds have benefitted from the environment we have nurtured. We also have a pair of lizards that seem to be curious about us, and like to sun themselves on the retaining wall or patio.
I truly believe that God has blessed us with these marvelous winged residents and quick-footed lizards. I believe that He sees how we strive to provide a place for His created creatures to find sustenance, and rest, and cool water, and in return, He blesses us with their presence. Perhaps I cannot be in the mountains at this time, but God has brought the blessing of being in the mountains to our yard.
Soli Deo Gloria