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The Journey Continues: What do I want the most in my life?

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33, ESV Like so many others, my life hasn't always been financially secure. Even though I've been working steadily since I was 16, I've had times where the paycheck was spent well before the next payday. I've maxed out credit cards. I've had to dip into savings or retirement funds. So, like the dreamer I am, I've thought of that day when Ed McMahon would show up with the Prize Patrol because I won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes . Or I've thought that the $5 Quick Pick Lottery Ticket or Scratcher that I bought would bring a windfall of cash to me, or to my family. And, lately, when I ask myself "what do I want the most in my life?", the answer has always been to buy that $10 million winning scratcher.  This morning I asked myself that question again, but then I realized that the answer was wrong. I realiz

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