The Journey Continues: Bold Prayer

"Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it." John 14: 13-14

Recently I added an element to my morning quiet time in the way of a men's devotional on the Hallow app. And yesterday's devotional spoke about praying for miracles, not only for others, but for ourselves. And not just praying with a cynical doubt that the healing will take place, but praying with intention that a healing WILL take place. 

I must admit that in the last two-and-a-half years since being diagnosed with bladder cancer, I have not prayed with intention. In fact, I rarely pray for my own healing. I have prayed in agony over my wife when she was suffering this past fall with pericarditis. I have prayed in tears when I've read of good friends who have suffered strokes, or have been told they have only a short time to live. But I have not prayed for myself, with the firm belief that I would be healed. 

I'm trying to figure out why I haven't done that. Maybe it's because for most of my life (especially as a child and youth) I was selfish, so I am avoiding praying for myself because I feel it's self-serving. Maybe it's because I pray so much for others that by the time I pray for myself, I feel like I've asked too much of God already. Maybe it has to do with the feeling that I have to thank God first, before I ask for something. Or maybe it's because, deep down inside, I'm not sure he will heal me. 

So, yesterday, I did pray with intention, with the request for total healing. And I did it again this morning, but something hit me as I prayed this morning for the healing. 

In reading this passage cited above in John's Gospel, something came to light. God will heal us - if it is in His will. And He can and does heal in a way that brings Him glory. During that men's devotional yesterday, the speaker cited many examples of complete healing that baffled the doctors. My wife has shared a story of healing within her own family that so baffled the doctor that he was actually upset that her family member had been so completely healed. The key to all those healings, though, was in the responses of those healed: they glorified and praised God. 

This morning, I prayed my prayer, but I prayed this:

"Father, please heal me completely of my cancer, in accordance with your will, so that I may glorify you."


Soli Deo Gloria


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