The Journey Continues: A Mirror

"Men are mirrors, or 'carriers' of Christ to other men." - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, Book 4 chapter 7

This passage from my daily C.S. Lewis readings struck me. As I have journeyed through this path of faith and growth, I have realized how true this is. 

Since I am now 100% remote work from home, I like to take breaks in the morning and afternoons, get away from my desk and stretch my legs by taking short walks in our neighborhood. One of our neighbors down the street, a very friendly and outgoing fellow named Edward, always greets me if he's in front of his house. One time I stopped, introduced myself, and had a nice chat with him. As I started to walk away he told me how I had brightened his day, and how he received a good vibe from me, and that it was a pleasure for him to meet me and chat with me. 

As I walked the short distance back to the house I tried to put into words that which Lewis stated so clearly: at that time, with Edward, I was a "carrier" of Christ. In fact, in the following sentences in this morning's reading Lewis states that sometimes there are those who unconsciously are carriers of Christ, and that it was people who were not Christian that helped Lewis return to Christianity.  

I have found that because of my daily time of prayer and study that I am changing. This inward change is outwardly expressed in the interactions that I have with people, both family and strangers. And it ties into the idea of personal evangelism that Jesus did with Nicodemus in John 3 and the Woman at Jacob's Well in John 4. I don't know where this will lead me, but I know that it will be wonderful, wherever the path takes me. 

Soli Deo Gloria


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