The Chimes of Easter

I woke early this Easter Sunday morning, which in and of itself is not unusual: I wake early every morning, even on weekends. 

But this morning was Easter Sunday, and when I woke I began to think of that first Easter, and Mary Magdalene's experience there. I thought of the shock and disbelief she must have known as she came to the empty tomb. I thought of what she might have been feeling as she processed this unexpected scene. 

Then I heard the chimes of Easter.

A few months ago we added a set of chimes in our yard that ring out with velvety smooth tones. Since they are a bit larger than the other set of chimes we have, they tend to only sing out when the breeze is strong. 

This morning, though, I heard them, and listened to them. What was so beautiful is that they were silent, and then slowly, one chime was struck ever so gently, and from that one chime a dulcet and sweet tone came forth. A gentle, caressing and reassuring tone. 

And I realized that this singular chime was calling out the Glory of Easter. 

As a longtime church musician I have been accustomed to trumpets, timpani and magnificent pipe organs on Easter Sunday. Choirs singing Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" to upstanding congregants. Of pastors delivering their "best" sermons on that day, since it is a day that sees the most attendees. 

But when we think of that first Easter, there were no trumpet fanfares. There were no drums or brilliantly played pipe organs. Or congregations singing along with the "Hallelujah Chorus". 

There was a simple Jewish woman walking to complete the burial of her Lord. And she rang out the truth of His Resurrection like that single, dulcet-tone chime. And just as that singular chime was joined by the others in its chorus, Mary's message began to ring out and touch others in Jesus' inner circle, until one day, the message of the Hope of His Resurrection spread throughout, just as the breeze taps the clapper on our chimes, and makes them sing in their full voice. 

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!!! 


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