What to write about....

Oy! Sometimes, I sit at my computer, thinking "I need to write." Writing has always been a form of self-expression for me. It has allowed me to put down my thoughts in a cohesive manner. It has allowed me to share stories about my life, the people in it, and the places and events that have shaped me. And sometimes, I just "sit" at my computer, staring at the monitor, WANTING to write, but I cannot think of something to say. 

Sometimes, what I want to say I filter out. Perhaps I am going through something intensely personal, but I don't wish to hang out my dirty laundry, so I keep a private journal for that type of writing. I do like to share stories about my dad, a man with whom I had a unique relationship with, and who I miss a great deal. I write about my mom, who is now 91, with dementia, a feeble and faded shell of the loving woman I knew as I grew up. I write about my passions - music and photography. I am so pleased that I am back in the Pacific Chorale, the professional choral group I sang in for a few brief seasons. I hope to remain in it now until I can no longer sing. In fact, as I write this blog, I have the orchestral score for the Beethoven 9th Symphony open on my desk. The Chorale sings this in October, and I'm working on the notes and the German pronunciation. As for my photography, I am thinking of taking a short 3-day trip in October, after the Beethoven concert cycle (which consists of 3 rehearsals and 4 concerts, all in a 7-day span), and go up the 395 along the eastern Sierra, just to do some photography and fishing. I'm planning on buying my wife's Canon 7D and just shooting, and taking along a fishing pole just to relax for a few days.

But there is something I've been thinking of writing about: a short story, based roughly on the trip that we took as a family back in 1971 (or 1972), when we went all the way to Minnesota. I was thinking of treating it as a story about dads and sons, basing the characters on my dad, my brothers and I. I wasn't part of the entire trip, but my mom and I did join my dad and brothers for most of it. I thought that could make not only a good exercise in story telling, but maybe even a good story. 

Fall is coming - and not too soon for me. Granted, here in southern California, our warmest days are approaching. This week we're supposed to be in the mid-90's by week's end. I'm not looking forward to that. October and November tend to be when we have the Santa Ana winds kick in, making the days hot, and the air dusty. Not looking forward to that, either. But there is promise of a strong El Nino coming, which could bring a wet winter. And I AM looking forward to that! Not driving in it, but definitely the desperately-needed water!

Life for me seems to be in an ever-changing yet stable mode these days. I look back at the last nearly 2 years, and I'm surprised I am still in a state of calm. I've had massive life changes and I've taken opportunities and risks that I have never taken before. To me, I keep moving ahead, taking those opportunities as they present themselves, and enjoying life as it presents itself to me. 

There, I wrote something after all......


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